java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: urlTemplate not found. If you are using MockMvc did you use RestDocumentationRequestBuilders to build the request?

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Rest docs와 PathVariable 문제점 발견 문제점 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: urlTemplate not found. If you are using MockMvc did you use RestDocumentationRequestBuilders to build the request? 문제가 발생한 코드 @DisplayName("상세 게시글 페이지에서 좋아요(△, ▽) 버튼을 누를 수 있다.") @WithAuthUser(email = "", role = "ROLE_USER") @Test void putFavorite() throws Exception { final int boardNumber = 1; mockMvc.perform..
'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: urlTemplate not found. If you are using MockMvc did you use RestDocumentationRequestBuilders to build the request?' 태그의 글 목록